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![]() - Included on 2015-02-25 16:39:30 We Care Infertility Clinic and Research Centre provide best and affordable IVF Treatment to achieving IVF pregnancy. Now you can simply call +91-9210565782, 8447011992 to schedule an appointment. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2018-04-04 15:40:36 AAI’s medical evacuation service, also referred to as medevac, medivac or med evac, is the service transfer of a patient from a medical facility to another. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2015-07-31 14:08:22 Parkash Hospital is a humble effort made in 2014 in this holy city of Amritsar with the blessings of the God the Hospital keeps the pace with time in terms of providing quality treatment to the patients. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2018-02-22 20:06:33 Die Abnutzung des künstlichen Auges ist von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig, z.B.:Umwelteinfluss, Beschaffenheit der Augenhöhle, Stärke der Absonderungen, mangelnder Lidschluss etc. jede Augenprothese unterliegt aufgrund der Einwirkung der zersetzenden Tränenflüssigkeit einer natürlichen Abnutzung. Dank des sehr widerstandsfähigen Materials ist die Tragedauer künstlicher Augen aus Glas relativ lang. Sie beträgt druchschnittlich 1 bis 2 Jahre. Ist der Prothesenträger jedoch erhöhten Umweltbelastungen ausgesetzt, so kann die Tragedauer erheblich gemindert werden. Ein abgetragenes künstliches Auge verursacht Beschwerden in der Augenhöhle. Die rau gewordene Oberfläche der Prothese kann die Augenhöhle stark reizen. Erstes Anzeichen für eine Erneuerung Ihrer Prothese ist ein erhöhter Tränenfluss. Die Augenhöhle rötet sich und im weiteren Verlauf kann es zu dickflüssiger, gelblicher Absonderung kommen, In diesem Stadium muss bereits augenärtztliche Hilfe in Anspruch genommen werden, um ein Übergreifen der Entzündung auf die gesamte Augenhöhle zu vermeiden. Eine regelmäßige Kontrolle der Augenhöhle durch Ihren Augenarzt und die eventuelle jährliche Erneuerung der Augenprothese durch den fachkundigen Ocularisten gewährleistet Ihnen ein problemloses Tragen Ihres künstlichen Auges. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2015-04-20 17:09:29 Dr. morice at Atchafalaya Tubal Reversal clinic is a specialized surgeon who restores woman fertility after a tubal ligation. Tubal reversal surgery is a safe, affordable, and effective option for woman who wants to have children after a tubal ligation. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2019-07-09 00:42:38 Getting a consultation at our hair transplant center in Toronto will involve going over your concerns about your hair and its potential causes as well as a discussion about the restoration options available to you. We’ll then look at an overview of the best treatment selections our experts recommend. The consultation offers vital information about the procedure, including a detailed explanation of the hair loss procedure, how it is performed, and what you should expect for your recovery. We’ll take photographs prior to the procedure to establish a starting point so we may track your results over time. We personalize a quote for our client’s and then establish a plan for the future so you can get the best results possible. What are the best options for hair transplant surgery in Toronto today? In recent years, there have been two primary procedures for hair restoration. The first is strip hair transplant surgery known as FUSS or FUT. The second option is one more recently made common. It’s known as the follicular unit extraction, or FUE, and it is now an available option for clients. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2018-01-29 19:59:19 Info zur Herstellung künstlicher Augen, Augenprothesen Glasaugen und Kunststoffaugen aus PMMA. Information about the production of artificial eyes, eye prostheses Glass eye and plastic eye made of PMMA. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2018-02-22 18:12:55 Please refer to country to get closer information about our consultation days in your country-location. To get further information about our eye prosthesis (made of glass or plastics) please contact us at the above mentioned address. If you have questions on your eye prosthesis (made of glass or plastic) please ask one of our ocularists. You can send an email to You will get an answer as soon as possible. - Listing Details |