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![]() - Included on 2019-06-18 14:58:01 We offer a large selection of ELISA kits, these tests are designed for analysing and diagnosing many different types of biological markers, infectious diseases and cancers. - Listing Details |
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![]() - Included on 2015-04-20 12:30:01 San Diego Chiropractor who specializes in relieving chronic pain through Chiropractic in San Diego, CA. Physical therapy, massage therapy and acupuncture offered to San Diego clients. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2015-07-31 16:57:54 Gumber Hospital maintains the quality of ophthalmic services in accordance with international standards. Our Hospital uses Optimum utilization of infrastructural facilities including manpower. We ensure continued patient satisfaction through delivery of high class Medicare with a personal touch. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2015-09-17 21:28:11 Kidoptik is a modern ophthalmology clinic in Bucharest-Pipera. We have the most modern devices and great experience examining children. We have a big variety of eyeglasses, sunglasses and sportsglasses that offer safety, confort and style to your kid eyes. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2023-01-10 22:19:22 The Red Light Therapy Shop is the leading retailer of red light therapy products. We offer a wide variety of devices, including handheld, portable, and home-use devices. We also offer a wide range of accessories, including diffusers, gels, and creams. Red light therapy is a form of phototherapy that uses red-colored LED lights to treat a variety of conditions, including skin conditions, joint pain, and muscle soreness. Red light therapy is FDA-approved and has been shown to be safe and effective in numerous clinical trials. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2020-02-28 20:40:14 Iedereen vraagt het zichzelf wel eens af. Heb ik genoeg seks? Heb ik te weinig seks? Wat is het gemiddelde? En hoe verbeter ik dit? Allemaal vragen die je kunt beantwoorden na het lezen van dit artikel. We vertellen je namelijk de resultaten uit een betrouwbaar onderzoek en leren je gelijk wat je kunt doen om je seksleven te verbeteren. Dit artikel is gebaseerd op een onderzoek van de “Planned Parenthood Federation of America” (bron: ) Seks is gezond Voordat we je vertellen hoeveel keer per week het gemiddelde stel seks heeft vinden we het belangrijk om je uit te leggen waarom seks uberhaupt goed voor je is. Seks heeft namelijk veel invloed op je gezondheid. Te veel seks is echter weer ongezond, de juiste balans vinden is dus belangrijk. Seks heeft onder andere de volgende effecten op je gezondheid: 1. Minder kans op hart- en vaat- ziektes 2. Betere nachtrust 3. Verminderd stress 4. Verbrand calorieën Leeftijd heeft invloed op aantal keer seks per week Nu we weten waarom seks gezond is kunnen we verder kijken naar hoeveel seks gezond is. Om ervoor te zorgen dat je geen verkeerd beeld krijgt bij de cijfers vertellen we je graag de belangrijkste factoren die meespelen in de frequentie van het vrijen. Leeftijd is een van de belangrijkste factoren die een rol spelen. Hoe ouder je wordt, hoe minder seks je meestal hebt. Dit komt door de natuurlijke ontwikkeling van je lichaam, hormonen nemen af, je hebt minder conditie etc. Maar er zijn ook andere zaken van invloed zoals het dagelijkse drukke leven en de fase van je relatie met je partner. Jongeren hebben vaak nog een minder stressvol leven. Ze hebben geen drukke baan, geen kinderen en hun relatie is vaak nog redelijk nieuw en dus spannend. Ben je al wat ouder, heb je kids, een stressvolle baan en 15 jaar getrouwd? Dan heb je vaak minder seks dan in je studententijd. Gemiddeld aantal keer seks per maand De leeftijd is dus een variabele factor. Sommige jongeren hebben wel een drukkere baan of kinderen en aan de andere zijde zijn er stellen van 40 die geen kids hebben en misschien pas net bij elkaar zijn. Bekijk de resultaten van het onderzoek hieronder in de tabel en weeg voor jezelf af of jouw situatie aansluit op jouw seksleven. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2020-04-29 00:19:07 The eponymous Banyan Tree Hotel & Spa is perfect for the stressed out and the weary. Enjoy the fresh facials, relaxing massages and fabulous packages on offer, as well as a great range of body scrubs and rain showers. All treatments include a foot soak and 30 minutes of calm time. For hotel guests and members, the Banyan Tree sauna (separate from the spa) is arguably the best in Seoul and should not be missed. Traditional South Korean bathhouses are something to experience for yourself. More than just saunas and spas, visitors can get massages, scrubs, facials, and even take a nap. Spending a day or night in the bathhouse, better known as jjimjilbang, is a big part of the Korean beauty and wellness culture. Since it's usually quite inexpensive, it's accessible to many people. The Dragon Hill Spa is especially special and popular, and was even named by CNN as one of the '50 Reasons Why Seoul is the World's Greatest City'. Opt for a day or night ticket to the Dragon Hill jjimjilbang and experience this authentic Korean wellness culture for yourself! DMZ stands for demilitarized zone, and it's the no-man's land border between North and South Korea. Heavily guarded and mined, the strange area can be visited, but only on an official, guided tour (the USO operates a popular one). The official area is about four kilometers wide and is formally known as the JSA or Joint Security Area. The closest town is Panmunjom. Tours include a visit to a North Korean gift shop and the very strange Military Armistice Commission Conference Room, which straddles the Military Demarcation Line. Visitors can step over the border into North Korea, while inside the cross-border room. The site and surrounding area also has several observation towers, parks, and museums. Gyeongju's Bulguksa Temple was originally built in 528, but has endured a number of renovations and extensions throughout history. Just outside of Busan, the temple was very important to many dynasties. The complex is made up of many buildings with intricate carvings and statues and harbors some of South Korea's most important national treasures, such as the Sinheungsa and Dabotap pagodas. The garden is very impressive year-round, but is even more stunning when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. It is best to visit with a guide, who will bring the scenery to life with tales of yesteryear. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2020-05-13 23:52:10 Outpatient mental health care service Florida: Prescription stimulants are usually safe for those they are prescribed, but even people under the supervision of a doctor are at risk of developing an addiction. Those who use Adderall without medical assistance to get high or fuel all-night study sessions are at risk of developing an addiction. Due to the likelihood of Adderall addiction, the U.S. government designated Adderall to the same drug classification as cocaine and methamphetamine. Adderall is the brand-name prescription of amphetamine. Adderall stimulates the brain to overproduce certain chemicals like dopamine, which affects a person's mood, motor activity and alertness. Nothing can replace the value of water. The body requires it to function. When you're dehydrated, you can experience irritability, fatigue and confusion. Some people mistake symptoms of dehydration for symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Water is important, but individuals should also consume beverages that contain electrolytes. Electrolytes are vital nutrients, including calcium, potassium and sodium. Alcohol intoxication and withdrawal can create electrolyte imbalances, which causes side effects such as muscle spasms, numbness and seizures. A healthy diet includes eating foods that contain the proper balance of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats. These nutrients help the brain and other organs function. If a person is malnourished, the body doesn't have the energy it needs to recover from alcohol dependence. Residential Treatment is generally the initial phase of an addiction treatment program and often follows a medical detox protocol. It is considered to be one of the most important components of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Attending a residential rehab allows those struggling with addiction, alcoholism, or mental health conditions to take a step back from the stresses and responsibilities of daily life to focus on personal recovery. Our campus-style facility is the perfect place to receive treatment in a safe, supportive and therapeutic environment. The inpatient drug and alcohol recovery program at FHE Health can last anywhere from 21 days to 90 days (and in some cases, even longer). The actual length of stay is unique to each patient and is based on individual needs and preferences. We multiple levels of care, including inpatient residential treatment and outpatient care. We have a wide variety of programming with classes geared for specific needs. Find additional details at A key component in getting sober and going through detox is to make a plan for sobriety. While people can benefit from involuntary detoxification and treatment, your recovery does largely depend on your willingness to change. In such, you need to be prepared to make a transition from your current life to detox, and then transition back again into society. Call us here at Alta Mira Recovery to learn more about alcohol detoxification and what treatment methods are used, as well as how long you'll be expected to be in detox. Some detox programs last a few days, while others can take up to a week or more. Facilities often use medications to assist with serious addiction cases, so be familiar with your options. - Listing Details |
![]() - Included on 2020-07-16 14:07:08 Aloe Vera 10X-D for natural hair and skincare remedies. FOR YOUR HAIR AND SCALP. Aloe vera has been used as a natural remedy for wounds, anti-aging, wrinkles, sagging skin, hair loss, mild and severe dandruff, sores on scalp, itchy head, hair treatment, hair growth, thinning hair, dry, itchy scalp. No need to keep purchasing anti-dandruff shampoos, controls itchiness & flaking This is a natural healthy treatment. FOR SKINCARE Aloe vera has been used as a natural remedy for skincare problems such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, anti-inflammatory, elastin and collagen regeneration, fine lines, wrinkles, moisturizer, sunburns, burns, wounds and much more. SUGESTED USES Aloe Vera commonly used for eczema, psoriasis, sunburns, wounds, healing, anti-aging, scalp and hair care, dandruff, mixed into DIY hand sanitizers, inflammation, stretch marks, acne, scars, circulation, moisturizer and more. Does not contain the topical irritant aloin. PROBLEM AREAS Add direct to problem areas. Note, it soaks in quickly. TEST BEFORE USE Test before using to ensure that you don’t react by placing a small amount on the back of your arm. Do not use it if you have an adverse reaction. Start slowly one you go ahead by applying once every three days then work up to twice a day, morning and before bedtime. Our special processing preserves the natural plant properties, vitamins, minerals and oils with over 200 know compounds, the highest in the industry. D- STANDS FOR SPECIAL FILTERING. We remove the harmful compounds in aloe, making it safer for skin and hair care products. All facts, details, and dialog for Aloe Vera 10X-D are for information purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, prescribe or replace the advice of professionals or to be perceived as a medication. - Listing Details |