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Psychologist anger management Gold Coast - Included on 2019-06-23 01:30:56 Each person is unique so sessions are tailored to their needs to achieve the best outcome for them. Whether it is depression, anxiety, anger, addiction problems, relationship issues, health issues, or just adjusting to a change that has occurred, Laurie has a wide range of skills, knowledge, and experience to help. “Seeing people develop the skills and confidence to move forward in their life, to make changes, and to enjoy life again is a wonderful experience which makes each day as a psychologist so rewarding”. Laurie is the Principal Psychologist at LB Psychologists Bundall and has a wealth of experience in helping a wide range of clients. Laurie identified her passion for psychology in her early 20’s and she has worked in a variety of areas as she gained qualifications and experience. These included working with disabled children, adolescents with behavioural and mental health problems, long term unemployed, relationship counselling with couples, facilitating personal development programs in the community, and in a forensic setting within corrective services before opening her own private practice 6 years ago. Laurie’s diverse work background allows her to relate to people from all walks of life and work in a supportive and non-judgemental way with her clients. Laurie uses a diverse style of counselling that includes Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Schema Therapy, Neuropsychology, and Mindfulness and Relaxation techniques to ensure that the ‘best fit’ is found for each client to help them reach their goals for engaging in therapy. Our practice is private and discreet to provide a caring, nurturing and trustworthy environment that supports your personal development. Extended opening hours: Laurie works 2 evenings per week to suit people who are working or lead busy lives. Laurie can see people in her practice in Bundall. Laurie offer a highly personalised approach and her focus is to help each person reach their goals of engaging in therapy. - Listing Details |
Psiholog Sibiu - Included on 2022-08-05 22:29:57 In psihoterapia individuala, vom aborda dificultatile psihologice in sistem unu-la-unu,iar terapia va avea loc intre psihoterapeut si o singura persoana. Procesul terapeutic este unul co-creat, bazandu-se pe colaborarea dintre psihoterapeut si persoana aflata in terapie. Baza acestui proces o reprezinta construirea unei relatii terapeutice solide, de incredere intre cele doua parti. Doar in acest fel vom putea facilita explorarea libera a gandurilor si emotiilor, formularea de comun acord a unor obiective si colaborarea activa pentru indeplinirea lor. - Listing Details |
mental health clinic London - Included on 2024-02-21 13:33:38 We created the EASE Wellbeing approach in the public sector over 14 years ago to compliment mental health services and access for patients of GP practices. More recently, we have extended our services to self-referrals to enhance access and make pathways to treatment efficient and immediate. What this means is that you can call us at any time, you will be spoken to or responded to within 24 hours and you will be offered an assessment of your concerns within 5 days. Thereafter, we will offer you an appropriate set of talking therapy sessions that are based upon how your difficulties are affecting you and how you would like to address them. The EASE approach is a collaborative endeavour. That means we will be working together to recover or discover how you may be able to find hope, meaning and purpose in as short a time as possible with an emphasis on you being in charge of how you live your life. - Listing Details |